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רקע חונך ותלמיד
רקע משלושים

Couples and parents encounter many challenges and dilemmas in shalom bayis and chinuch, which is why Pele Yoetz is here to help counsel you, seek solutions and resolve serious issues professionally and compassionately while escorting you, your spouse and child every step of the way.

We’re here for you!

Surmounting challenges in chinuch - together!

Partner with us in hatzalas nefashos!

We Don’t Give Up On Anyone

Pele Yoetz Center, under the auspices of Hagaon Harav Dovid Levy shlit”a, is a not-for-profit organization in Eretz Hakodesh committed to providing families with vital tools in chinuch and domestic harmony in the spirit of Torah.

Over the past decades, Pele Yoetz has generated a revolution in chinuch in Eretz Yisrael, rebuilt hundreds of homes and families on the verge of collapse, and rescued thousands of boys and adolescents on the fringe, leading them back on track to fulfilling lives of Torah and yiras Shamayim.

Our Center was founded to bequeath parents, mechanchim and students professional, modern tools relevant to contemporary chinuch and family life, to offer assistance and counseling to anyone in need, and to escort them through their challenges until they’re resolved to the satisfaction of all parties.

Pele Yoetz firmly believes that with a precise, professional evaluation, clear plan and effective tools, along with the warm, supportive presence of our advisors and counselors, it’s possible to solve any challenge in chinuch, redirect a child back to the proper path, and restore peace and harmony to the home.

Our Partners


Pele Yoetz in Numbers


hours of private tutoring


hours of phone-based counseling


bachurim placed

in yeshivos



רקע משלושים

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